In The Ring
Foundation Dogs
Stud Dogs
Bitches pg 1
Bitches pg 2
Champion Dogs
Champion Bitches
In The Ring
Family Photos

Grand CH Silvani Voici Treading The Shadows
GrCh Voici Even Money x Ch Silvani's Lunar Eclipse

Silver Grand CH Voici Lilacs In Bloom
GrCh Voici Even Money x Ch Voici Velvet Shadow

Lily is a multiple group placer , has won an AOM at a national specialty, and has won select bitch at multiple regional specialties. She is also a champion producer.

Grand CH Artmeis Voici Valente of Regallust
Ch Artmeis Simone di La Scala x Gr Ch Regallust Rio of Voici

Val is co-owned with Jo Amsel
Ghost is co-owned with Holly Howarth Tippetts
CH Voici Wild Blue Yonder
Ch Voici Born In Blue Jeans x Ch Voici Roman Holiday

Ava is co-owned with Sara Bushman

Grand CH Bethany Voici Pocket Full Of Promises
Ch Silvani Voici Glides Upon The Night x Ch Voici Angelic Reflection

Promise is co-owned with Karen Haren

Ch Voici Atomic Blonde
Ch Voici Red Sun Rising x Ch Terra Pavan Voici Wish Upon a Star

Tawny finished with 3 consecutive 5 point majors.